Sunday, 7 January 2007

Ah...the smell of a new post

Salutations, fellow humans.

Guess I've finally given in to temptation and started my own blog. (Overcoming the laziness took quite a while)

The idea of having my own blog has always been attractive, you know, writing about what I had (and crapped) for lunch, how many times I pee-ed or sneezed today or even ranting about things in life which make us mad but do-not-really-want-to-confront-the-issue-in-real-life-so-I-write-on-my-blog-to-vent-my-anger.

Oh, you mean that's not all to it? Well, I guess I can post some photos (since I'm picking up photography again) and the somewhat random thoughts I always conjure in my head but goes away quietly after I leave the cubicle of bowel relief.

Yeah, that's about it I guess...oh and I realised my brain and fingers do not really have a good relationship with each other cause I ended up typing words with bad or wrong spelling.

Thank goodness for spell check.

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