Sunday, 21 January 2007

Amigos Para Siempre?

Over the weekend, I met up with some old campmates from Tekong. It has been 6 long years since I last saw them.

The feeling was great, everyone is still comfortable with one another. We laugh, we crack jokes, we update each other on what's the current status of our lives. Somehow, everyone decided to get married and buy a flat in Sengkang (not with each other of course).

We parted ways and made promises to meet up for coffee or beer. Somehow, I remembered that we said the exact same thing 6 years back. Hmmm...

And I guess this wasn't the first time I had that little bit of déjà vu.

I've lost count of the number of friends I've not kept in contact with over the years. We always make promises to meet up, keep in contact and the likes...but you and I know, through the strange miracles (read: laziness and aloofness), it never happens. is through these stages of perdition that we we really do appreciate the ones that we still in contact with. Be it through indirect forms of communication (like MSN) or direct forms of interaction (like the occasional mahjong sessions).

So, let's make a resolution for this new year.

Make promises you can keep and keep the friends that you make each day.

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